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This Weeks Theme

Tuesday 5.30-8.00 pm at Bali Beach Club, Pebbles Beach, St. Michael Barbados.


See below for the weekly theme.

Click on the Bali Beach underlined above for the location.

No theme is too difficult for a beginner. You will not not be left unattended. You will be

guided through simple steps at your own pace, you will not be left behind.

 $80bds per person is to be paid in cash on the night. Book by clicking on the red

"Book your space" .


The $80bds includes your canvas, paints. aprons and brushes, instruction and all your

painting supplies.


As you arrive, the table will be set up ready, Anna will be waiting for you.


Drinks, nibbles and food are available to purchase at the Bali Beach Club they are not

included in the $80bds.  We look forward to seeing you!


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